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Empowering Christ-Centered Clinics to Transform Lives

Doctor's Visit

What we do

We partner with Christ-centered clinics in Oklahoma to join them in transforming lives. We align efforts with each clinic’s mission, to make a meaningful difference by supporting their work bringing healing to the  individuals they serve.

Who we are

We are a team of faith based, likeminded people fostering a movement toward a wholly healthy Oklahoma promoting whole person healing of the body, soul, and spirit through innovative collaborations.

As a Christian Cooperative healthcare organization, our values are rooted in the Word of God. We passionately believe that all people should have access to health care and that we can achieve a wholly healthy Oklahoma. 

What guides us


Our Services

Support and Collaboration

Support existing whole person, Christ-centered clinics by understanding needs and developing solutions. Collaborate on projects, share resources, and share knowledge gained from experience. Provide limited administrative support and respite opportunities for clinic leaders. Amplify the impact of participating clinics by helping them achieve their mission more effectively.

Advocacy and Awareness

Raise awareness about the importance of whole person, Christ-centered care within the healthcare community and the broader society. Advocate for policies that support these clinics and their unique approach to healthcare. By promoting the value and impact of their work, we can garner support from donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders such as hospitals or other healthcare providers.

Financial Support

Provide financial assistance to participating clinics, especially those in underserved areas or facing resource constraints. This support can help expand services, invest in better infrastructure and technology, and ensure clinics can reach a larger number of people in need.

Research and
Best Practice

Encourage and support research initiatives that explore the effectiveness and benefits of whole person, Christ-centered care. Promote the dissemination of best practices and evidence-based approaches among the clinics. This can help improve the quality of care provided and further validate the importance of a holistic approach.

Training and Education

Offer training programs and educational resources to the staff and volunteers of participating clinics. Focus on equipping clinics with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide high-quality care that integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. This can include workshops, seminars, online courses, and mentorship programs.

Volunteer Engagement

Encourage individuals with relevant skills and expertise to volunteer their time and services at participating clinics. This can include healthcare professionals, counselors, missionaries, and other professionals who can contribute to the well-rounded care offered by these clinics.

Our Leadership


In line with the teachings of Ephesians 4:1-7, our Christian Clinics Cooperative healthcare organization is founded on the values of unity, humility, love, and the stewardship of gifts. We strive to embody these values in our interactions with patients, their families, and each other. Through our commitment to excellence, compassion, unity, and our Lord, we aim to provide holistic healthcare services that promote healing, wellness, and the flourishing of Oklahomans.


 Unity and Oneness (Ephesians 4:1-3):

We value unity in the body of Christ, embracing the diversity of the clinics’ staff, patients, and community. In this, we prioritize unity over uniformity. We strive to foster an inclusive environment where everyone is respected, valued, and treated with dignity. We promote collaboration and teamwork among our cooperating clinics to ensure the best possible care for their patients.


Humility and Gentleness (Ephesians 4:2):

We value humility as an essential trait in interactions with patients, their families, and each other. We recognize that humility allows us to serve others selflessly and to demonstrate empathy and compassion. We approach this work with gentleness, showing care and tenderness to those we serve.


Patience and Bearing with one another in love (Ephesians 4:2):

We value patience in our daily interactions, recognizing that each person's journey is unique. We commit to understanding and empathizing with the challenges and needs of our clinics’ patients, their families, and colleagues. Through unconditional love and support, we strive to create an atmosphere of comfort and complete healing.


Preserving the Unity of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:3):

We value maintaining the unity created by the Spirit within our organization, embracing a spirit of harmony and respect. We actively work to resolve conflicts and promote reconciliation, fostering an environment of trust and open communication. We seek to build bridges of understanding and stand united in our mission to provide excellent healthcare.


Stewardship of Gifts and Talents (Ephesians 4:7):

We value the recognition and utilization of the unique gifts and talents of our cooperating clinics. We encourage their personal and professional growth, providing opportunities for continuous learning and development. By nurturing their skills, we empower these clinics to make a meaningful impact on the lives of their patients and our community.


Our Guiding Values


Kim Swyden

Executive Director


2024 by Christian Clinic Cooperative of Oklahoma

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